Crossroads Fitness Blog

Sleep plays important role in maintaining health
While diet and exercise constitute key components of a healthy lifestyle, don’t underestimate the importance of sleep. You’re already a sleep expert. You have been since you were born. Yet, quality sleep could elude you in a fast-paced society that fills every moment of your day with work, activities and screen time.
Quality sleep is vital for overall good health and well-being. Research shows people who don’t get enough sleep or good quality sleep are at a higher risk for health problems, including diabetes, heart disease and stroke. That’s not to mention such mental health issues as anxiety and depression.
The benefits of good quality rest are bountiful. Getting enough sleep strengthens your immune system and enables your body to fight illness. Sleep also has a direct link to maintaining a healthy weight and is good for your heart by lowering blood pressure while you sleep. Good sleep can eliminate fatigue, leaving you more productive, creative and happier. Sleep is a big deal.
How much sleep is enough? Most adults need between 7 hours and 9 hours of sleep. “Some people need less than seven hours, while others might need more,” said Eric Zhou with the Division of Sleep Medicine at Harvard Medical School. “Instead of focusing exclusively on the number of hours we sleep per night, Quick read more or view full article we should also consider our sleep quality.”
Sleep quality is how well you sleep, whether you slept through the night or woke up numerous times. The key is to wake up refreshed and have energy for the day.
Many factors lead to sleep difficulties. It might be such health issues as high blood pressure or sleep apnea. Another factor is the environment in which you sleep. Temperature, noise and light all affect sleep quality.
There are many things you can avoid to help you sleep better. Try the 10, three, two, one and zero rule for sleep. Avoid caffeine 10 hours before bed. Avoid large meals and alcohol at least 3 hours before bed. Stop working 2 hours before bed. Reduce screen time 1 hour before bed, and hit the snooze button zero times.
Now, here are some things to do to improve sleep:
Remain active and get some exercise during the day. Try not to exercise within 2 hours of going to bed.
Create a sleep routine. This can include things such as putting on pajamas, washing your face, brushing and flossing your teeth, turning down the bed and lowering the lights. You’re telling your body rest is near.
Maintain a consistent waking time, especially on weekends.
If you like to nap, only sleep for 20 minutes to 30 minutes and at least 6 hours before bed.
Relax and unwind? If you’re like me, your mind is the busiest when you lay down to sleep. There are techniques that might help quiet your mind, relax and fall asleep. If your to-do list keeps popping up in your head, keep a notepad by your bed to write down those items you don’t want to forget. That way, you can write it down and let it go. Try a visualization technique in which you imagine a chalkboard and erase everything on it.
Meditation is the best medicine when it comes to relaxing your body through controlled breathing. Try the four, seven, eight breathing technique. Breathe in for 4 seconds, hold your breath for 7 seconds and exhale for 8 seconds. This regulates your breathing, reduces anxiety and helps you fall asleep. Try a meditation app on your phone in which you listen to guided meditation. Yet another technique is to tighten and release each body part starting with your toes and working your way to your head.
Focus on sleep quality. Expecting perfect sleep every night isn’t realistic. Keep a sleep diary to help you evaluate your sleep patterns and what works for your best night of sleep.
Read LessWhat’s your fitness personality? Find exercises that match
Understanding your unique personality helps you enjoy success in your career, your relationships and even your fitness. Physical activity is an expression of personal choices and comfort. Health and fitness goals are easier to achieve when they fall into your natural style.
Identifying activities you enjoy makes it easier to reach fitness goals.Performing activities you don’t enjoy or match your style are difficult, if not impossible, to do long term. According to the American Council on Exercise, fitness personality types can be sorted into four groups: planner,
go-getter, social butterfly and adventurer.
The planner: This personality type leans towards what’s familiar. You know if you’re a morning person or evening person. You plan your exercise routine around not only time, but also what you know. Attending the same group exercise class, for example. You’re often more reserved about the way you approach fitness. Handling change doesn’t come easy. You also might enjoy being left alone when you go to the gym. You have a favorite cardio machine, listen to your music and complete the same workout day after day.
The go-getter: If you fall into this category, you welcome change and are first in line to try something new. You might compete with others. But most of all, you compete with yourself. You’re disciplined and highly motivated. You thrive on personal Quick read more or view full article improvement. Those taking high-intensity group exercise classes or working out with a personal trainer would fall into this group.
The social butterfly: The social butterfly is just that — social. You want to be around friends, visit and have fun. Exercise is part of your life. Your gym activities would definitely include group exercise and perhaps small group training. You’re an extrovert who radiates positive energy to those around you.
The adventurer: You’re willing to try anything at least once. You take group exercise classes for everything from kickboxing to Zumba. Signing up for challenge events and obstacle courses wouldn’t be out of the question. If you’re an adventurer, you have confidence in yourself. This fitness personality doesn’t mind change, loves variety and thinks outside the box.
Another personality trait type that wasn’t mentioned is the true introvert. If you’re an introvert, you might be hesitant to go to a health club. Stepping out of your comfort zone doesn’t come easily. You could have a difficult time asking for assistance, motivation and instruction. If this fits you, find a true, passionate health club with professionals to help you at your pace to discover exercises that fit your personality.
Did one of these fitness personalities strike home?
Limiting the complexities of personalities to only a few categories is a bit constrictive. Many people actually fall into more than one type. You might feel a little more social or adventuresome some days than others. Age, lifestyle changes, time of year and many other factors all play a role in determining our feelings and fitness personalities. Overall natural tendencies don’t change, however.
Find fitness that fits for you. Taking into consideration your personality makes fitness and health goals more achievable. Doing activities you enjoy and fit into your lifestyle is key to long-term enjoyment and, in turn, your ultimate success.
Read LessKettlebells: Old concept gains new fitness following
Kettlebells might seem like a new fitness trend, but the concept is actually centuries old.
This funny shaped weight resembles a cannonball with a handle. Often made of cast iron or steel, this weight originated in Russia in the 18th century. It wasn’t originally used for exercise, but rather for weighing crops.
A century later, it became part of physical training and conditioning programs and competitions. Today, gyms across the country offer kettlebell training.
What is kettlebell training and what are the benefits? The simple answer is kettlebell exercises build strength and endurance. This training focuses primarily on the lower back, legs and shoulders. It also builds strength in the hands, known as grip strength. Kettlebell exercises work many muscles at the same time, including the core of the body for stability. Because of the repetitive nature of kettlebell workouts, they build endurance over time.
Key benefits of kettlebell training include improved strength, cardiovascular endurance, range of motion and agility. It’s a form of functional fitness training in which the movements are similar to such daily tasks as bending and reaching.
A kettlebell weight is different from such other strength training tools as a dumbbell. A dumbbell consists of a straight handle with equally sized weights on each end.
A kettlebell, on the other hand, has a bell-like shape. The ball is
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flat on one end and has a curved handle on the other end, which positions the weight directly under the handle. This facilitates the swinging movements of kettlebell exercises.
To better understand the different kettlebell exercises, it’s important to break down the parts of the kettlebell. The bottom of the kettlebell that’s flat is called the base. Next is the bell — the rounded body. The beginning of the handle that’s attached to the bell on each side is called the horns. Above the horns are the corners that bend into the handle. The open section below the handle is the window.
Before beginning any kettlebell workout, it’s important to understand many of the movements can be dangerous to those who have shoulder problems, back issues or weak core muscles. Using this tool requires proper form at all times. Like many other fitness programs, it takes time and consistency to build up muscles and cardiovascular endurance. Some of the basic kettlebell exercises include the swing, snatch and clean and jerk. Since proper form and execution is essential, it’s best to have a trainer show you how to perform these exercises.
Kettlebells also can be incorporated into strength training routines that aren’t a specific kettlebell workout. They can be used as a weight.
“I use kettlebells throughout training sessions with my clients,” said Tina Nelson, a personal trainer at Crossroads Fitness. “I may have them hold a kettlebell while doing sumo squats or a standing side crunch. They have unique properties that many other traditional weights do not have. They increase core strength when used properly.”
Kettlebells offer another tool for fitness training. There are many benefits to this type of training, including improved strength and cardiovascular endurance. Try one of these funny shaped weights next time you’re at the gym.
Read LessTake a healthy stance: Good posture offers benefits
My mother’s words from childhood still resonate in my head. “Stand up tall. Don’t slouch.” She was right, of course. There are physical and emotional benefits to maintaining good posture. Moreover, our posture says more about us than we might think.
Simply put, posture refers to the body’s alignment. As with any habit, it takes work to make it consistent. We all know what constitutes poor posture — hunching, slumping and slouching. These habits break more than our mother’s rules, though. They create poor alignment that over time strains ligaments and muscles and causes pain and injuries. Proper alignment in every aspect of our day is important — from walking, sitting and standing to exercise and sports.
Maintaining awareness of your posture is the best place to begin. Think about your body language when you’re tired or ill. I tend to resort to poor posture when I’m hurrying around with too many things to do. After practice, I now catch myself and take a deep breath and align my body correctly. I feel more refreshed and in control.
There are other areas to consider when evaluating your posture. My chiropractor once told me my purse was way too heavy. Because I Quick read more or view full article carry my purse on my right shoulder and continually add items throughout the day, the load was pulling my torso to the right. Technology can compromise alignment, too. Holding your cell phone squeezed between your shoulder and your head for long periods tweaks your natural position. Consider as well your posture when you’re sitting at a computer, the dinner table or in the car.
There are many benefits of maintaining good posture. Your breathing becomes easier and deeper. It aligns muscles and joints. It improves circulation and digestion. There’s another benefit nearly everyone desires: Good posture conveys a more confident bearing. What’s more, it makes you look slimmer and younger.
What does healthy posture look like? Here’s one way to tell if you’re standing up correctly. Stand up against a wall with your feet just a couple inches away and your upper back, shoulders and bottom touching the wall. Now, step away from the wall and see if you can maintain that position.
There are ways to help you maintain this position with ease. Perform slow and controlled movements that target your core and side muscles. Yoga and Pilates classes are excellent for improving posture. Do exercises that strengthen your upper and lower back as well as your shoulders. Roll your shoulders up and back, then hold.
Don’t forget the importance of stretching. Try standing tall with your arms reaching towards the sky and feel your torso lengthen.
The benefits of good posture are both physical and emotional. What does your posture say about you? Increasing awareness of your posture and learning ways to strengthen your body leads to a taller, prouder and healthier you.
Read LessSmall group training provides big advantages
Most people are familiar with one-on-one fitness training sessions. These sessions are available at most health clubs and independent studios. But what’s changed might surprise you.
Crossroads Fitness Centers in Grand Junction is an industry leader in small group personal training. Although the concept seems to have only recently hit the market, we’ve been doing it for years.
Why is this best-kept secret so successful for reaching fitness goals?
Many people believe they can work out alone. Many can. For most of us, though, the reality is we won’t do it with success. Individuals who exercise on their own have a 45 percent dropout rate within the first year. The second year it’s 52 percent. That leaves only a 3 percent rate for someone to succeed with an exercise plan.
Small group training is successful for many reasons. Leaders are personal trainers with knowledge of anatomy, exercise science and nutrition. Because of their education and experience, you feel comfortable in their abilities to train you.
Small group training also offers a cost-effective way to work out with trainers. Trainers split the cost of their time between a few people. Everyone benefits by sharing the cost.
Another benefit of small group training is the variety. Each workout is carefully Quick read more or view full article designed for your group. Classes might include cardiovascular exercise, circuits, core work, interval training and weights.
Some of these tools used in workouts include kettle bells, plyo boxes, slam balls and suspension training.Many of these tools require proper technique and form to not only get the most benefit, but also reduce the risk of injury.
One of the most important benefits to achieving your fitness goals through small group training is structure. By having a class you attend two or three times every week with the same trainer and same people, you develop a workout habit. All you have to do is show up. That structure becomes part of not only your weekly schedule, but also your lifestyle.
The part I like best? The social aspect. A small group training class can become a close-knit group of people all trying to achieve their individual goals. I’ve seen it over and over at Crossroads Fitness. People who start out exercising together don’t know each other. After a while, they become friends in and out of the club.
Some classes might include businesspeople exercising before work. Others classes might include moms with young children. Other classes are a mix. The fact these people now have a support group that cares about them constitutes one of the most beneficial aspects of small group training.
Working out in a group yields more success than attempting to do it on your own. Give small group training a try and experience the benefits for yourself. You’ll be amazed to find a trainer and group of people who are there to cheer you on.
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Functional training preparation for daily activities
Think of the movements you go through every day: getting into and out of your car, reaching for an item on the top shelf at the grocery store or bending down to pick up a child. Most of the time, we don’t even think about these movements — until, that is, we can’t do them with ease.
This is where functional fitness exercises can help by training your muscles to handle everyday activities efficiently and safely.
Functional fitness training has become popular in training regimens. Personal trainers include this type of training in their client workouts. These types of exercises train your muscles to work together to simulate common movements. This is different from conventional strength training and working on isolated muscle groups.
Working a combination of muscle groups — your upper and lower body, for example — at the same time could duplicate the movement you make while lifting something off the floor. The exercise that might be performed for this movement would include a squat and then a bicep curl.
The body can perform seven basics movements: gait, hinge, lunge, pull, push, squat and rotate. All exercises constitute variations on these movements. In performing these movements, you’ll exercise all the major muscle groups of your body.
Functional fitness exercises concentrate not only on upper and lower muscle groups, but also the core muscles in your middle from Quick read more or view full article your chest to your pelvic bone. By strengthening core muscles, you gain flexibility and stability. As your core strengthens, your balance and posture improve. Strong core muscles reduce injuries, promote stability and improve overall health.
Functional fitness exercises are low impact and can be performed by almost everyone, from beginners to athletes. Step-ups and lunges focus on balance. Try a lunge where you step back instead of forward with hand weights. Develop core strength by performing sit-ups with a medicine ball you move from side to side.
Use such props as weights, kettle bells, fitness balls and aerobic steps. Many exercises can be performed without equipment, though, using only the resistance of your body weight.
Athletes often use these multi-joint and multi-muscle exercises are also used by athletes. Sports specific training can benefit from functional training as well.
Personal trainers often use a Bosu — both sides utilized — ball, which is rounded on one side and flat on the other. If you stand on the flat side, you must engage your core to retain balance. Moving a weighted medicine ball from one side of your body to the other while standing on the ball simulates the movement in a golf swing. This can be used for many other sports as well, such as basketball and hockey.
Functional fitness training offers numerous benefits. Think of it as life training that creates a balance between your muscles and prepares you for your daily real life activities.
Read LessMany factors go into hiring a personal trainer
It used to be only Hollywood celebrities who attributed their fabulously fit bodies to personal trainers. Not anymore. People of all ages, fitness levels and income brackets hire personal trainers to help them meet their goals.
Living a healthy lifestyle has become a priority for many people, but they lack the direction and guidance they need to become successful. That’s where a personal trainer comes in.
After deciding to hire a personal trainer, it’s important to find one who constitutes the best fit for you. There are many factors to consider. Many trainers provide a wide variety of services and offer different areas of expertise. Finding a trainer whose work schedule matches your schedule or fees that match your budget also are important.
First, identify what you want. What are your goals — not only for fitness, but also your overall lifestyle? Making a change is seldom easy. You could only have the goal of being “healthy.” Your trainer can help you set realistic, attainable and specific goals. Communication is the most important step in finding a trainer. You need to be able to talk openly with this person about yourself — not only telling them why you’re there and what you want to achieve, but also your medical history. By setting goals, you have a starting point from which to Quick read more or view full article move forward.
Personal training certifications let you know your trainer has been educated in the field of exercise physiology as well as anatomy and injury prevention. Many trainers also hold four-year college degrees in fitness-related fields. Higher levels of education and experience offer additional confidence when making your choice. Some trainers also specialize in a certain area, such as nutrition, sports specific training, dealing with certain injuries or age-specific training. Seek out a trainer who specializes in the type of training you desire.
Another important factor is the availability and price of a trainer. You might want to work out two or three times a week during your lunch hours. Finding a trainer who can accommodate your schedule will set you up for success. Price is important, too. Hiring a personal trainer constitutes an investment in you. You have options as to the frequency of your sessions. Some trainers offer a discounted package if you buy a certain number of sessions. You could even ask if a trainer will give you a free session to see their training style in action. Many trainers build their businesses through referrals, so don’t hesitate to ask for references.
Small group training offers another option. This type of training allows a personal trainer to train up to five clients in a class at the same time. This not only allows you a chance to meet other people and hold each other accountable in class, but also reduces the cost of the sessions for participants.
There’s also workshop-style training, yet another option that’s becoming increasingly popular. A small group workshop allows a trainer to focus on a specific type of training — such as functional fitness, kettle bell, sport specific or weight loss. Each workshop is usually six to eight weeks long.
If one of these approaches sounds appealing, find a trainer who teaches these types of sessions.
Give careful consideration to the importance of personality. Make sure your trainer’s style fits your personality style. You might want a trainer who’s more aggressive. Perhaps your style is more relaxed and low key.
Hiring a personal trainer can help you enjoy a healthy lifestyle. Take time to carefully choose a trainer who will motivate you; keep you on track; and make sure your workouts are safe, enjoyable and effective.
Above all, find a trainer who inspires you.
Read LessNo excuses: Seek solutions and get moving
When there’s something we don’t really want to do, we make excuses. Sometimes our excuses are quite creative.
“I don’t know how to exercise.” This common fitness excuse is actually valid. Sure, we all know getting off the couch to do something physical and get our bodies moving is exercise — to a point. A brisk walk or gardening could be considered exercise, for example. Not knowing what to do at a health club could be different, however. Weight machines, new technology cardio equipment and group exercise could require some instruction. Solution: Many of the new exercise machines come with instructions and diagrams to help you get started. Crossroads Fitness offers a getting started program to teach the fundamentals — everything from basic knowledge of exercise machines to measuring your heart rate.
“I’ve tried exercise, and I keep quitting.” If this applies to you, maybe you haven’t found an exercise you love. Variety spices life. We all get bored doing the same things and not experiencing results. Solution: Try different activities. Group exercise classes offer a fun way to exercise. The group atmosphere is motivating. Once you find the right exercise, you’ll be excited and much more apt to go do it.
“I don’t have time.” This one is Quick read more or view full article a classic. When we don’t take time to care for our health, we could lose it. Everyone is busy — from stay-at-home moms to business executives. Yet, we all have 24 hours in a day to make sure we take time for ourselves. Solution: Schedule exercise as an appointment you can’t miss. Even if you can’t get in a full 30 minutes, some exercise is better than none.
“I don’t want to get hurt.” Exercise doesn’t have to hurt. Solution: Start slowly in an exercise program and build up. Participate in a getting started program or hire a personal trainer to not only get you started on the right foot, but also teach you proper form.
“I have kids.” Having a family and young ones at home can make going to the gym more difficult. Solution: Crossroads Fitness offers a kid’s club. Little ones from age 6 weeks to 12 years can come with you when you exercise. They’re not only cared for, but also enjoy a chance to play and socialize You won’t have to feel guilty while they’re having fun.
“I’ll lose weight and then join a health club.” While health clubs might seem intimidating, maybe you just haven’t found the right one. Solution: Find a place that fits your personality, location and personal goals. Since you’ll likely be going to a health club numerous times a week, you’ll want to find a place where you feel comfortable. Everyone there started at the beginning of their own fitness journeys. People of every age, size and shape will be there to welcome you.
Whatever your excuse is or has been, there’s a solution. So stop making excuses and get moving.
Read LessThink ahead to keep vacations fitness-friendly
Vacations, long car trips and busy schedules can disrupt our fitness routines. Whether traveling by car or plane, staying in hotels or with family, you can keep fitness a part of each day. Here are a few tips to help make your vacations more fitness-friendly.
Sitting in a car for a few or many hours a day traveling to that great vacation destination can make you feel tired and stiff. Moreover, car trips are notorious for combining little physical activity with eating the wrong foods. Pull off at rest stops and stretch by reaching for the sky. Take deep breaths. Spend a few moments walking around and seeing the sights. Stretching every few hours will make you feel less worn. Here’s a game you can play when traveling with your family. At each stop, a different person gets to name the activity. It might be jumping jacks or running around the car. It can be as simple as racing each other to the “facilities.” Meanwhile, consider packing a small cooler with nutritious snacks.
At times, airline travel can have you calling the airport your new home. Why not pack gym shoes in your carry-on? You’ve seen the moving walkways. Don’t use them if time allows. There are places to walk and climb stairs in most airports. When it comes to having a Quick read more or view full article snack or meal, remember many food vendors offer nutritious choices. Consuming fewer calories while being less active is an important part of not gaining those extra vacation pounds. Pack some healthy treats in your purse or backpack. Dried fruit, nuts and water offer good choices.
Many hotels and resorts offer fitness centers. While your choices could be limited, remember any movement is better than nothing. Combine cardiovascular exercise — a treadmill or elliptical trainer — with strength training.
If your accommodations don’t include a fitness area, that doesn’t mean you’re off the hook. Plan ahead. Pack some resistance bands. They can be purchased at many health clubs, local retailers or online. Resistance bands come in different colors and widths. These differences reflect the amount of stretch they allow for more or less resistance. Try them out to see which ones work for you. Wrap your bands around a bed post or door knob. You can also use resistance bands by using your foot to step on the middle of the band for an arm workout, for example.
You can’t exactly pack weights in your suitcase, so try filling disposable water bottles with water for a lightweight workout. Be creative. Many exercises can be done on the floor with nothing but your own body weight for resistance. Pushups, for example, offer a great upper body strength exercise and don’t require anything but you to perform. Situps, leg lifts and arm circles are just a few exercises that can be performed without equipment.
Cardiovascular exercise remains important when traveling. Many vacations involve sightseeing. Don’t underestimate the power of walking. Be sure to wear comfortable shoes, bring water and wear sunscreen. You’ll get more heart-healthy exercise just by taking the stairs whenever possible.
By thinking ahead, you’ll keep your workout routine on schedule. No matter the mode of travel or destination, you still can exercise and eat right on vacation. Remember, too, it’s a vacation. Enjoy.
Read LessVariety not only spices, but also improves, fitness
Variety is the spice of life. There’s some truth to the statement. You get stuck in your daily routine and complete many tasks without thinking about them. You eat at the same time, go to work at the same time and take out the garbage on the same day.
Think about your fitness routine. Are you doing the same exercises, going to the same class, walking on the same treadmill or lifting the same weight for every workout? Maybe it’s time to change that routine.
Adding a little spice could turn what’s become a boring fitness routine into something more exciting and motivating. Sometimes you hear the words “change” or “different” and associate them with “new” and “uncomfortable.” As creatures of habit, it’s okay to like your comfort zone with its familiar surroundings, people and activities.
Although doing exactly the same thing over and over might be comforting, it also could have drawbacks. Without variety, things can get pretty boring. It’s important to spice it up a bit.
Consider, for example, cross training. Cross training is simply combining two or more types of physical activities and offers one way to create the change you might need.
There are numerous benefits to adding cross training to your fitness routine. First and foremost is motivation. Keeping interested and motivated to exercise is an important piece. If Quick read more or view full article you don’t enjoy it, you won’t do it.
Cross training can help you burn more calories by exercising regularly and using different muscle groups. You reduce the risk of injury by doing a variety of exercises — performing a high-impact sport like running one day followed by a yoga or Pilates class the next day, for example.
It’s simple to create a varied exercise program. Plan a complete workout that includes the three areas of physical activity: cardiovascular, strength and flexibility. Under each area, write down activities you like to do or would like to try. Some activities fit under more than one area.
Cardiovascular activities include jumping rope, riding a bike, running and walking the dog. Activities that build strength include everything from lifting weights and push-ups to yard work. Activities that promote flexibility include stretching and yoga.
Changing a routine can be beneficial in not only reducing boredom, but also increasing fitness. Our bodies are adaptive and grow accustomed to an exercise.
It becomes difficult to make changes in our bodies once they’ve adapted to a specific fitness routine. Because of this adaptive nature, it’s important to keep our bodies guessing by mixing up the exercises we perform.
How do you change your workouts? Try something new. Often times we get our minds set on what we think we can do instead of what we really could do if we tried.
If there’s a favorite exercise machine you use often and don’t want to give up, try changing the intensity, speed or grade. By gradually changing how hard you work, you’ll keep your workout challenging. Remember, though: When changing up your workout routine, don’t hesitate to ask for help.
Once you choose your activities, schedule them. Allow for variety and flexibility. Experiment with different activities to find out what really interests you.
Continue to enjoy your favorite activities, but challenge yourself to try something new. Spice it up.
Read LessHealth clubs offer healthy options
There are many ways to improve health and fitness, but exercise tops every list. Health clubs offer a healthy option as a place to exercise. Clubs aren’t the only option, however. Other options include exercising outdoors or using your own exercise equipment at home. The best option might be to combine all three.
Whether you’re joining for the first time or joined health clubs in the past, many factors are involved in making your decision a successful one. Joining a health club won’t make you fit. What you do when you get there is what’s important.
Here are some essential factors to consider in making your health club choice:
Everyone is at a different point in their fitness journey, at a different stage in life and face personal obstacles to overcome. Define before joining a health club your obstacles, goals and expectations. What’s important to you?
Choose a club that makes you feel comfortable the moment you enter. Take into consideration the friendliness of the staff, other members, music and smells. Can you picture yourself there? Sticking to a consistent exercise program can be difficult. If you don’t enjoy being at the club, your chances of a success will diminish. A health club should be more than just a building with exercise equipment.
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You should enjoy a relationship with your club.
What about the members? Take a tour of the club at the same time you plan to use it. This will give you an idea of the type of members with whom you’ll be exercising. Look around and see if you can relate to the other members. Asking members why they belong to a club could be a helpful, especially if you ask those who’ve been members for a long time.
Knowing what to expect after you sign on the dotted line is important. Is there a free introductory program that will help you become acquainted with your new fitness home? A brief tour of the club isn’t sufficient to get you started on the right foot. You should feel comfortable knowing what you plan to do on your first visit.
There should be a variety of equipment options. Equipment should be clean and in working order. This will indicate the club takes pride in its facilities and maintenance is important. If you’re a runner, make sure there are high-quality, runner-specific treadmills available. If you like to stretch, make sure the carpeting is padded and clean. Make sure everything is touchable.
Variety in a club will not only add value to your membership, but also keep you motivated. Check out the group exercise schedule for classes. Get to know the instructors and personal trainers along with their credentials and teaching styles. Take the time to watch a small group training session or group exercise class.
Choose a club that offers educational pieces, including beginning classes, newsletters, seminars and workshops. The more you learn, the more engaged you’ll become.
Making a health club decision is an important one. You need to find value, comfort, motivation and education. When all these pieces come together, you’ll be on your way to developing a successful relationship with your club and healthy lifestyle.
Ready for a good workout? Then play ball
Fitness ball workouts are becoming increasingly popular — and for good reason. If you’re looking for an exercise that will challenge you, consider a workout using one of the many different types of fitness balls.
There are traditional stability balls and BOSU balls as well as such weighted balls as medicine, slam or wall balls. Each ball has unique characteristics and specific uses.
Stability balls come in various sizes and are made of a soft rubber that are inflated. They’re used to strengthen and tone, particularly the core muscles. It’s important to find a ball that fits so it can be used effectively. They range in size from 30 centimeters in diameter for children up to 75 centimeters in diameter for taller adults.
One thing that makes stability balls so popular is they can be used both in the gym and at home — and even in the office as a desk chair. Physical therapists also use stability balls for rehabilitation. Some exercises that can be performed using stability balls include ab crunches, back extensions and elbow planks. A trainer can demonstrate how to do a full body workout using a stability ball.
Have you ever seen the funny looking balls that look like they’ve been cut in half? This is called a BOSU ball. It was
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invented by David Weck and includes an inflated rubber side attached to a ridged platform. BOSU stands for “both sides utilized” since different exercises can be performed on each side. BOSU balls often are used for balance training.
You’ll also find a variety of weighted balls in a health club setting, including medicine balls, slam balls and wall balls.
Medicine balls come in a variety of sizes ranging from small to large with corresponding weights. Medicine balls have been used since ancient times to improve strength and muscular power. Medicine balls can be used in a range of poses and exercises that strengthen every part of the body — from lifting to rotating.
A slam ball is a weighted sphere designed for throwing exercises. Slam balls are available in different sizes and weights. The shell is made of a tough rubber that can handle the impact of being thrown down on a hard surface. Use a slam ball to develop power, strength and speed. Abs and core specifically benefit. Exercises using a slam ball will increase heart rate, making it a great exercise for burning calories. An example of using a slam ball is to stand with your feet shoulder width apart and knees slightly bent. Then just slam the ball to the ground, pick it back up and repeat.
A wall ball is similar to a slam ball, but used by throwing the ball up onto a wall and catching it on the way down into a squat. This movement works the upper body on the throw and the lower body on the catch and squat as well as the entire core. This exercise also is good for cardio and gets the heart pumping.
It’s no wonder why fitness balls have become so popular. If you’re ready for the challenge, find the type, size and weight and then play ball.
Where do you turn for fitness information?
There are so many ways to learn about fitness. From Facebook to gaming systems and fitness videos to personal trainers, new information becomes available on a daily basis. It’s difficult for consumers to know where to turn for the information that’s most beneficial to them given their lifestyles, health, technological skills and fitness goals.
The internet offers a wealth of information, including fitness tips and recipes. Questions can be answered in seconds. It can be tricky, though, deciding what’s legitimate and what’s a sales tactic. One website might tout a cabbage soup diet that will enable you to lose 30 pounds in a month without exercise. Another site might tell you stretching before a workout is harmful. Someone without a background in health and fitness might not know what to believe. The internet can constitute a valuable tool, but one with the risk of also conveying inaccurate information.
One of the latest fitness trends is the sale and use of gaming systems for fitness entertainment. I agree making fitness fun is a dream come true. The intention of these sports and exercise games is to get people moving. They might not provide a strenuous workout or generate the same results as running or lifting weights, but can get coach potato gamers off the coach. This goes
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back to figuring out what you want to accomplish in your quest for fitness information.
Although the next trend isn’t new, it’s one of the fastest growing and that’s the plethora of fitness apps on the market. It’s an amazing concept: you can join in such extreme workouts from your living room. Each class is led by an instructor, so you don’t have to wonder what you’re going to do for exercise that day. The idea revolves around a one-time purchase or monthly contract fee and the convenience of your own home. The pros are there are some people who are self-motivated and disciplined enough an app fitness routine works for them. They’ll exercise even when they don’t feel like it. The cons of these programs are most people aren’t that way. It’s easy to abandon a home fitness program, just like home fitness equipment that doubles as a clothes hanger because it’s never used. Without scheduled workouts and someone to help motivate you, this option is difficult for many to consistently follow.
Health clubs offer the services of personal trainers. Many trainers have studied exercise, health and nutrition in college and hold certified personal training certificates. Taking the time to find a trainer who fits your needs takes some research as well. Whether you’re looking for someone who specializes in a certain sport or deals with injuries, finding the right trainer for you is important. Trainers are experts in their fields, but also motivate you and hold you accountable. They are great for jump-starting a fitness program or becoming a part of your fitness lifestyle.
While it’s nice having so many options, sifting through all the information about fitness can be difficult. The best source of information is all about what works best for you, not necessarily what’s the easiest.
Here’s something else to consider: Statistics show people who exercise in a group are more successful in sticking to their fitness programs than those who go it alone. Personally, I find nothing replaces social interaction and relationships when working towards fitness goals.
With planning, vacations can still be fitness-friendly
Vacations, long car trips and busy schedules can all lead to major disruptions in our fitness routines. Whether traveling by car or plane, staying in hotels or with family, you can keep fitness a part of each day.
Here are a few tips to help make your vacations more fitness-friendly:
Sitting in a car for a few or many hours a day traveling to that great vacation destination can make you feel tired and stiff. Moreover, car trips are notorious for combining little physical activity with eating the wrong foods. Pull off at rest stops and stretch by reaching for the sky. Take deep breaths. Spend a few moments walking around and seeing the sights. Stretching every few hours will make you feel less worn. Here’s a game you can play when traveling with your family. At each stop, a different person gets to name the activity. It might be jumping jacks or running around the car. It can be as simple as racing each other to the “facilities.”
At times, airline travel can have you calling the airport your new home. Why not pack gym shoes in your carry on luggage? You’ve all seen the moving walkways. Don’t use them if time allows. There are many places to walk and climb stairs in most airports. When it comes to having a snack or meal, Quick read more or view full article remember that many food vendors offer nutritious choices. Consuming fewer calories while being less active is an important part of not gaining those extra vacation pounds. Pack some healthy treats in your purse or backpack. Dried fruit, nuts and water offer good choices.
Many hotels and resorts offer fitness centers. Although your choices could be limited, remember that any movement is better than nothing. Try to combine some cardiovascular exercise — a treadmill or elliptical trainer — with some strength training.
If your accommodations don’t include a fitness area, that doesn’t mean you’re off the hook. Plan ahead. Pack some resistance bands for strength training. They can be purchased at many health clubs, local retailers or online. Resistance bands come in different colors and widths. These differences reflect the amount of stretch they allow for more or less resistance. Try them out to see which ones work for you. Wrap your bands around a bed post or door knob. You can also use resistance bands by using your foot to step on the middle of the band for an arm workout, for example.
You can’t exactly pack weights in your suitcase, so try filling disposable water bottles with water for a lightweight workout. Be creative. Many exercises can be done on the floor with nothing but your own body weight for resistance. Pushups, for example, offer a great upper body strength exercise and don’t require anything but you to perform. Situps, leg lifts and arm circles are just a few exercises that can be performed without equipment.
Cardiovascular exercise remains important when traveling, too. Many vacations involve sightseeing. Don’t underestimate the power of walking. Be sure to wear comfortable shoes, bring water and wear sunscreen. You’ll get more heart-healthy exercise just by taking the stairs whenever possible.
By thinking ahead, you’ll keep your workout routine on schedule. No matter the mode of travel or destination, you still can exercise and eat right on vacation. Remember, too, it’s a vacation Enjoy.
Read LessHow to choose a personal trainer
It used to be only Hollywood celebrities who attributed their fabulously fit bodies to personal trainers. Not anymore. People of all income brackets, ages and fitness levels hire personal trainers to help them meet their goals.
While a healthy lifestyle has become a top priority for many people, they sometimes lack the direction and guidance they need to be successful. Here’s where a personal trainer comes in.
After you’ve decided to hire a personal trainer, it’s important to find one who constitutes the best fit for you. There are many factors to consider. Many trainers provide a wide variety of services and offer different areas of expertise. Finding a trainer whose work schedule matches your schedule or fees that match your budget also constitute important factors.
First, identify what you want. What are your goals — not only in terms of fitness, but also your overall lifestyle? Making a change is hardly ever easy. You could only have the goal of being “healthy.” Your trainer can help you set realistic, attainable and specific goals. Communication is the most important step in selecting a trainer. You need to be able to talk openly with this person about yourself — not only telling them why you’re there and what you want to achieve, but also your medical history. By setting goals, you have a starting Quick read more or view full article point from which to move forward.
Personal training certifications let you know your trainer has been educated in the field of exercise physiology as well as anatomy and injury prevention. Many trainers also hold four-year college degrees in fitness-related fields. The higher levels of experience and education offer additional confidence when making your choice. Some trainers also specialize in a certain area, such as nutrition, sports specific training, dealing with certain injuries or age-specific training. Seek out a trainer who specializes in the type of training you desire.
Another important factor is the availability and price of a trainer. You might want to work out two or three times a week during your lunch hours. Finding a trainer who can accommodate your schedule will help set you up for success. Price is also important. Hiring a personal trainer is an investment in you. You have options as to the frequency of your sessions. Some trainers offer a discounted package if you buy a certain number of sessions. You could even ask if a trainer will give you a free session to see their training style in action. Many trainers build their businesses through referrals, so don’t hesitate to ask for references.
One alternative to the traditional, one-on-one personal training session is small group training. This type of training allows a personal trainer to train up to five clients in a class at the same time. This not only allows you a chance to meet other people and hold each other accountable in class, but also reduces the cost of the sessions to the participants.
There’s also workshop-style training, another option that’s becoming increasingly popular. A small group workshop allows a trainer to focus on a specific type of training — such as functional fitness, kettle bell, sport specific, weight loss. Each session is usually six to eight weeks long. If one of these approaches sounds appealing, find a trainer who teaches these types of sessions.
Carefully consider your personality. Make sure your trainer’s style fits your personality style. You might want a trainer who’s more aggressive, or perhaps your style is more relaxed and low key.
Hiring a personal trainer can help you enjoy a healthy lifestyle. Take time to carefully choose a trainer who will motivate you; keep you on track; and make sure your workouts are safe, enjoyable and effective. Above all, find a trainer who inspires you.
Read LessRow, row, row your way to fitness
What if you could find a piece of exercise equipment that burns calories to help you lose weight, strengthens and tones muscles and provides a great cardiovascular workout — a total body workout, in fact.
There is such a piece of equipment — a rowing machine. Just a few years ago, rowing machines could be found near the back wall in health clubs and you never saw anyone using them. Why the change in popularity? The secret of it’s amazing benefits have been revealed.
Actually the biggest reason why people don’t just hop on a rowing machine placed in a health club cardio room is simple: They don’t know how to use it. Almost anyone can figure out how to walk on the belt of a treadmill or pedal a recumbent bicycle. A rowing machine takes a little more finesse, but you’ve got this.
Let’s go over the benefits for choosing a rowing machine for your workout, learning basic rowing techniques and avoiding common mistakes and ways you can start rowing today.
Since rowing constitutes a non-impact exercise, it’s easy on the back and joints, making it an excellent form of exercise for older fitness enthusiasts. Rowing burns substantial calories, making it a great tool for weight loss. Since rowing is an endurance exercise, there are cardiovascular benefits, including improved lung, heart and circulation systems.
Since Quick read more or view full article rowing uses almost every major muscle group in the body, stronger toned muscles are another benefit. Rowing works both the upper body (shoulders, arms and back) and lower body muscles (legs, hips and buttocks) with each stroke. It’s also a performance abdominal exercise since the core stays engaged throughout the exercise.
Learning proper rowing technique might not be as difficult as it seems. According to Concept2, a maker of rowing machines, there’s a four-step process to the rowing stroke:
- The catch: This is your starting position where your legs are compressed, arms extended and you’re gripping the handle.
- The drive: Focus on pushing with the legs first, next pivoting backward at the hips so your shoulders pass your pelvis (you should be in a slight lay back) and then pulling the arms into your chest.
- The finish: This is where the abs stabilize the body and the glutes and quads are contracting as well as the biceps and back muscles.
- The recovery: This is the final stage where the arms are pushed away from the body and the torso moves forward as you slide up to the catch position.
Some of the most common rowing technique mistakes are to row only with your arms or hunching your back during the stroke. It takes practice to get the technique sequence down and create a smooth stroke.
“This sequential engagement of the kinetic chain is the natural sequence in which muscles are supposed to engage for efficient, safe and effective movement,” said Allen Russell, a personal trainer at Crossroads Fitness who has an extensive background in biomechanical performance. “The rowing machine provides an excellent evaluation tool in order to better provide quality training which will improve overall performance and function of my clients.”
There are many ways to incorporate rowing into your exercise routine. It can be performed as a warmup prior to a strength training class or as a cooldown. You might choose to row during a high-intensity interval training program in which you engage in short bursts of high-intensity exercise followed by short periods of slower-paced rowing. You might incorporate rowing as your primary cardiovascular workout as you would exercise on a stationary bike or treadmill.
Rowing machines are used by cardiac rehabilitation patients to Olympic athletes and everyone in between. Because of the wide range of health benefits associated with rowing, you might consider making rowing part of your lifelong fitness routine.
Read LessSmall group training more than a workout
Most people are familiar with the term one-on-one personal training sessions. These sessions are available at most health clubs and independent studios. But what has changed could surprise you: the increased popularity of small group personal training.
Although it seems to really have hit the market recently, we’ve been offering small group personal training at Crossroads Fitness for years.
So why is this best kept secret a hit for reaching fitness goals?
Many people say they can work out alone, and it's true many can. But for most of us, the reality is we won’t do it with success. Did you know an individual who exercises on their own has a 45 percent dropout rate within the first year? The second year it’s a 52 percent dropout rate. That leaves only a 3 percent rate for someone to succeed with an exercise plan.
Small group training is successful for many reasons. One is the fact the leader, a personal trainer, specializes in anatomy, exercise science and nutrition. Because of their education and experience, participants feel comfortable in abilities of the leader to train them.
Small group training is also a cost-effective way to work out with a trainer. Because there’s a group, the trainer divides the cost of his or her time among a few people. Everyone benefits by sharing the cost.
Another benefit of small group training is the variety. Each workout is carefully designed for a particular group. Classes could include cardiovascular exercise, weights, interval training, circuit Quick read more or view full article and core work. In small group training, participants also get to incorporate some fun and innovative exercise “tools” into their workouts. Many of these tools require proper technique and form, though, not only to gain the most health benefit, but more importantly, to reduce injury. Some of these exercise tools include kettle bells, plyo boxes, slam balls and suspension training.
One of the most important benefits to achieving your fitness goals through small group training is structure. By having a class you attend two or three times each week with the same trainer and same people, you begin to develop the workout habit. All you have to do is show up. That structure becomes not only part of your weekly schedule, but also your lifestyle.
The part I like best? The social aspect. A small group training class can become a close-knit group of people all trying to achieve their individual goals. I have seen it over and over at Crossroads Fitness. These people who start out exercising together don’t know each other when they begin. But after a while, they become friends both in and out of the club.
Some classes might be conducted for businesspeople exercising before work. Other classes could be for mothers with young children. Some are a mix. The fact these people now have a support group that cares about them is one of the most beneficial aspects of small group training.
Working out in a group yields more success than attempting to do it on your own. Give small group training a try and see the benefits for yourself. You’ll be amazed to find a trainer and group of people who are there to cheer you on.
Read LessGroup training: Gain strength in small numbers
Crossroads Fitness in Grand Junction is an industry leader in the field of small group personal training. Although it seems as though it just hit the market, we’ve been doing it for years. So why is this best kept secret a hit for reaching fitness goals?
Many people say that they can work out alone, and it’s true. But for most of us, the reality is we won’t do it with success. Did you know that an individual who exercises alone has a 45 percent dropout rate within the first year and a 52 percent dropout rate in the second year? That leaves only a 3 percent rate for someone to succeed with an exercise plan.
Small group training is successful for many reasons. The first is the fact that the leader, a personal trainer, has specializes in anatomy, exercise science and nutrition. Because of their education and experience, you feel comfortable in their abilities to train you.
Small group training also offers a cost-effective way to work out with a trainer. Because there’s a group, the trainer is able to lower the cost of their time between a few people. Everyone benefits by sharing the cost.
Another benefit of small group training is the variety. Each workout is carefully designed for your group. Classes could include cardiovascular Quick read more or view full article exercise, weights, interval training, circuit and core work. In small group training, you also could get to incorporate some fun and innovative exercise tools into your workout. Many of these tools require proper technique and form to not only produce the most health benefit, but also reduce injury. Some of these tools include kettle bells, plyo boxes, slam balls and suspension training.
One of the most important benefits to succeeding in your fitness goals through small group training is structure. By having a class you attend two or three times every week with the same trainer and same people, you begin to develop the workout habit. All you have to do is show up. That structure becomes not only part of your weekly schedule, but also part of your lifestyle.
The part I like best? The social aspect. A small group training class can become a close-knit group of people all trying to achieve their individual goals. I’ve seen it over and over at Crossroads Fitness. These people don’t know each other when they first start. After a while, they become friends, both in and out of the club. Some classes cater to businessmen exercising before work. Others classes feature mothers with young children. Still other classes offer a mix. The fact these people now have a support group that cares about them is one of the most beneficial aspects of small group training.
Working out in a group yields more success than attempting to do it on your own. Give small group training a try and experience the benefits for yourself. You’ll be amazed to find a trainer and a group of people who are there to cheer you on. Read Less
Personal trainers are not just for celebrities anymore
It used to be only Hollywood celebrities who attributed their fabulously fit bodies to personal trainers. Not anymore. People of all ages, fitness levels and income brackets hire personal trainers to help them meet their fitness goals.
While a healthy lifestyle has become a top priority for many people, they lack the direction and guidance they need to be successful. Here’s where a personal trainer comes in.
After you’ve decided to hire a personal trainer, it’s important to find a trainer who constitutes the best fit for you. There are many factors to consider. Many trainers provide a wide variety of services and have different areas of expertise. Finding a trainer whose work schedule matches your schedule or fees that match your budget also constitute important factors.
First, identify what you want. What are your goals, not only in terms of fitness, but also your overall lifestyle? Making a change is hardly ever easy. You could only have the goal of being “healthy.” Your trainer can help you set realistic, attainable and specific goals. Communication is the most important step in selecting a trainer. You need to be able to talk openly with this person about yourself — not only telling them why you’re there and what you want to achieve, but also your medical history. By setting goals, you have a starting point from which to move forward.
Personal training certifications let you know your trainer has been educated in the field of exercise physiology, anatomy and injury Quick read more or view full article prevention. Many trainers also hold a four-year college degree in a fitness-related field. The higher levels of experience and education offer additional confidence to you when making your choice. Some trainers also specialize in a certain area, such as nutrition, sports specific training, dealing with certain injuries or age-specific training. Seek out a trainer who specializes in the type of training you desire.
Another important factor is the availability and price of a trainer. You might want to work out two or three times a week during your lunch hours. Finding a trainer who fits into your schedule will help set you up for success. Price is also important. Hiring a personal trainer is an investment in you! You have options as to the frequency of your sessions. Some trainers offer a discounted package if you buy a certain number of sessions. You could even ask if a trainer will give you a free session to see their training style in action. Many trainers build their businesses through referrals, so don’t hesitate to ask for references.
One alternative to the traditional, one-on-one personal training session is the concept of small group training. This type of training allows a personal trainer to train up to five clients in a class at the same time. This not only allows you a chance to meet other people and hold each other accountable in class, but in many instances reduces the cost of the sessions.
There’s also workshop-style training, another option that’s becoming increasingly popular. A small group workshop allows a trainer to focus on a specific type of training — such as functional fitness, kettle bell, sport specific, weight loss. Each session is usually six to eight weeks long. If one of these approaches sounds appealing, find a trainer who teaches these types of sessions.
Give careful consideration to the importance of personality. Make sure your trainer’s style fits your personality style. You might want a trainer who’s more aggressive, or perhaps your style is more relaxed and low-key.
Making the decision to hire a personal trainer can help you on your journey to a healthy lifestyle. Taking the time to carefully choose your personal trainer will motivate you; keep you on track; and make sure your workouts are safe, enjoyable and effective. Above all, find a trainer who inspires you. Read Less
Ready to overcome obstacles? Races offer opportunities
Obstacle racing involves more than just running a race. Participants run from one obstacle to another. These obstacles vary from event to event, but often include obstacles similar to ones used in military training, like rope courses and wall climbing. Swimming through a pool of ice, climbing a hay bale stack and crawling through a series of pipes are unique to obstacle racing events. Each event varies as to the distance of the course and degree of difficulty.
An event called the Tough Guy claims to be the first official obstacle event with its origin in 1989. Two of the most well-known races — the Warrior Dash and Tough Mudder — both began in 2010. The Warrior Dash is a 3-mile event with 12 obstacles. The race offers a competitive, yet also fun and social event. Designed by British Special Forces, the Tough Mudder is a 10- to 12-mile course with many obstacles. This hard-core event is not technically a race, however. Not everyone completes the course.
Why are these obstacle races so appealing to athletes? There are Quick read more or view full article many reasons. These events are team oriented. A group of friends get together and train for months. Many have matching clothing to designate their team spirit. “It’s a way to set a goal you can accomplish with your friends,” said Suzanne Hatch, who just completed her second Tough Mudder. “We are competitive, so we push each other. There are obstacles that we have to work as a team to complete.”
Athletes like these events for other reasons as well. Some like the idea of doing something different. There are always such traditional races as a 5K, triathlon or biking event. But the appeal seems to be competing in an event in which participants push themselves almost in a war-like setting and cross the finish line covered in mud. There’s nothing boring about an obstacle race.
“It was a real eye-opener,” said Lisa Carroll, who has completed two Warrior Dash races. “It’s quite an accomplishment to finish.”
Although obstacle races aren’t for everyone, most people with the desire to participate can train and do it. Training for an obstacle race involves strength, speed and endurance. Running is the main activity of the event. John Ball, a certified personal trainer at Crossroads Fitness, helps his clients by bumping up their cardio workouts to train for such an event. “I include running stairs, doing line sprints and mountain climbers in their routine,” he said.
Total body strength training is also important. The “burpee” is a favorite training exercise used by race participants. This exercise engages the lower body, core and upper body in one fluid movement. Concentrating on balance and strengthening the core helps with many of the race obstacles. Health clubs offer a boot camp exercise class that could include some forms of obstacles, just on a smaller scale, that would be helpful during training.
If obstacle racing seems like a sport you might want to try, check out the different races available in the area. Choose one that best fits your activity level. Round up some friends and start training.
Who said grownups can’t climb monkey bars and play in the mud? Read Less
How to choose a personal trainer
This is where the personal trainer can help. After you have decided to hire a personal trainer, it’s important to find a trainer who will be the best fit for you, and there are many factors to consider. Trainers provide a wide variety of services and have different areas of expertise. Finding a trainer whose work schedule matches your schedule or fees that match your budget are also areas to consider.
First, you need to identify what you want. What are your goals--not only fitness goals, but your overall lifestyle goals? Making a change in lifestyle is rarely easy. You may only have the goal of being “healthy.” Your trainer can help you set realistic, attainable and specific goals.
To accomplish this you need to be able to talk openly with your trainer about yourself, not only telling them why you are there and what you want to achieve, but your medical history, as well. This is a very important first step in training: communication. Beginning a program with goals set, you now have a starting point in which to move forward.
Personal training certifications Quick read more or view full article let you know that your trainer has been educated in the field of exercise physiology, anatomy and injury prevention. Many trainers also hold a four-year degree in a fitness-related field. The higher level of education and experience may provide additional confidence to you when making your choice. Some trainers also specialize in a certain area, such as a sports specific training, dealing with certain injuries, or age specific training. Seek out the trainer who specializes in the type of training you desire.
Another important factor is the availability and price of a trainer. You may want to work out two or three times a week during your lunch hour. Finding a trainer who fits into your schedule will help set you up for success. Price is also important. Hiring a personal trainer is an investment in you! You have options as to the frequency of your sessions. Some trainers offer a discounted package if you buy a certain number of sessions. You may even ask if a trainer will give you a free session to see their training style in action. Many trainers build their training business through referrals, so don’t hesitate to ask for references.
Give careful consideration to the importance of personality. Make sure that your trainer’s style fits your personality style. You may want a trainer that is more aggressive or maybe your style is more relaxed and low-key.
Making the decision to hire a personal trainer can help you on your journey to a healthy lifestyle. Taking the time to carefully choose your personal trainer will motivate you, keep you on track and make sure your work outs are safe, enjoyable and effective. Above all, find a trainer who “inspires” you!
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