Crossroads Fitness Blog

What has you thinking about spring?
April 25, 2012
What do you think of when you think of spring? I asked a number of people to say three things that came to mind when they were asked this question. Some of the answers include: backyard barbeques, hiking, flowers, warm weather, spring house cleaning, vacation, golfing, and the list went on. So what did I think of? I usually include many of these in my answer but this year is different. I have had to step back after being diagnosed with ovarian cancer last summer.
As a feature columnist for health & wellness, I decided to write my column from a different perspective this month. I’m not going to tell you the importance of exercise and healthy eating. We already know that, right? I have been asked many times how this experience has changed me. It has indeed changed me physically, but more importantly, it has changed the way I view things. Instead of resisting change, I now embrace it.
Spring is a time of change. It is a time of renewal. It’s a time to enjoy outdoor activities. Living in the Grand Valley, our “backyard” is filled with opportunities. I am amazed how many things there are to experience. Spring is the perfect time to think about all our senses and how we can embrace this season of change.
Think about sight! The grass is getting greener, the trees are filling with leaves and the sky is blue. The Colorado National Monument stands Quick read more or view full article proud, as the Book Cliffs and Grand Mesa outline our city. Watch some evening as the sun sets and how beautiful these formations look constantly changing with the lowering sun.
Listen to the birds! Listen to children laughing! Ask how someone is doing and really listen to their answer. The art of practicing yoga or meditation allows your mind to focus on your senses. We live in such a hurried, over stimulated world it can be hard to teach your mind to slow down. Spring is a perfect time to stop and listen.
Feeling my head as my hair is beginning to grow back is honestly not something I EVER thought I would feel. Pet your dog! Put your hand in the cool water of a stream. Walk barefoot through the grass. Hug someone you love!
Our sense of smell is heightened in the spring with the blooming buds, plants and flowers. The calming effect from lavender is my favorite. Savor the smell of a home cooked meal. Enjoy the fresh scent after a rain shower.
Patiently awaiting the arrival of fresh fruits and vegetables, I can almost taste them! Biting into a fresh peach or cob of corn is worth the wait. I remember helping my grandparents with their huge garden in Wyoming. At the time I thought it was so much work. Now, it’s a cherished memory. Take the time to enjoy every bite of your next meal. Be grateful.
As the seasons change, we move from winter to spring. With that change comes about changes in weather, activities, plans and priorities. Take the time to think about your life and what is important to you. Embrace the change of seasons by taking the time to become aware of your senses. What does spring means to you? Read Less
As a feature columnist for health & wellness, I decided to write my column from a different perspective this month. I’m not going to tell you the importance of exercise and healthy eating. We already know that, right? I have been asked many times how this experience has changed me. It has indeed changed me physically, but more importantly, it has changed the way I view things. Instead of resisting change, I now embrace it.
Spring is a time of change. It is a time of renewal. It’s a time to enjoy outdoor activities. Living in the Grand Valley, our “backyard” is filled with opportunities. I am amazed how many things there are to experience. Spring is the perfect time to think about all our senses and how we can embrace this season of change.
Think about sight! The grass is getting greener, the trees are filling with leaves and the sky is blue. The Colorado National Monument stands Quick read more or view full article proud, as the Book Cliffs and Grand Mesa outline our city. Watch some evening as the sun sets and how beautiful these formations look constantly changing with the lowering sun.
Listen to the birds! Listen to children laughing! Ask how someone is doing and really listen to their answer. The art of practicing yoga or meditation allows your mind to focus on your senses. We live in such a hurried, over stimulated world it can be hard to teach your mind to slow down. Spring is a perfect time to stop and listen.
Feeling my head as my hair is beginning to grow back is honestly not something I EVER thought I would feel. Pet your dog! Put your hand in the cool water of a stream. Walk barefoot through the grass. Hug someone you love!
Our sense of smell is heightened in the spring with the blooming buds, plants and flowers. The calming effect from lavender is my favorite. Savor the smell of a home cooked meal. Enjoy the fresh scent after a rain shower.
Patiently awaiting the arrival of fresh fruits and vegetables, I can almost taste them! Biting into a fresh peach or cob of corn is worth the wait. I remember helping my grandparents with their huge garden in Wyoming. At the time I thought it was so much work. Now, it’s a cherished memory. Take the time to enjoy every bite of your next meal. Be grateful.
As the seasons change, we move from winter to spring. With that change comes about changes in weather, activities, plans and priorities. Take the time to think about your life and what is important to you. Embrace the change of seasons by taking the time to become aware of your senses. What does spring means to you? Read Less
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